Sunday, March 6, 2011

10 Ways To Leave Laziness

1) Just get up and start something. You’ll become engaged.
2) Replace an old habit with a new habit. Instead of watching tv post-dinner take a walk (for example).
3) Sign up for a class. Once you’ve put money down, it’s harder to back out.
4) Change little things in your routine
5) Do something to help someone else
6) Set an example for others (should be a huge motivation!)
7) Leave yourself a reward for accomplishing the new task
8 ) Designate no-TV days
9) Engage in something you used to enjoy but no longer take part in
10) Limit your caffeine to the morning, limit your sugar at all times (you’ll be up, but the crash isn’t worth it)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice...
    Try yourself first...

    Lols ha ha ha ha ha !!!!
